Monday, December 28, 2009

Snow is on the ground, Dave is overseas serving his country, mom just returned from a trip to Phoenix, and we're all getting ready for a new year - 2010!

See the new video additions under the "links" section at the right, including video segments from the summer of 2009 and vintange fishing footage with dad.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Floyd Cabin Closing - 2009

Hello everyone,

Here’s a recap of the cabin close-up events and lessons learned for next year’s events…

Each vehicle (leaving Jean’s house and Mom’s house) took 90 minutes to arrive to St. Cloud. We met in St. Cloud (Crossroads Mall by Sears off of Division Street) around 8:30 AM and left in one vehicle 15 minutes later. We had a 15 minute bathroom/gas break (Elizabeth, MN off of Hwy 59) before DL. We arrived at the cabin and began work around 11:30 AM with the following events (not all inclusive), most simultaneously with the five pairs of able hands we had available:

‘Reserved’ the old cabin for the bathroom cabin.
Turned off the circuit breakers for the water heaters (all cabins) and drained the water heater for the chalet and main cabin.
Removed the boat lift canvases and raised the boat lifts.
Pulled in and winterized the boats (time consuming project requiring two adults)
Cleaned the cabins, especially the refrigerators
Winterized the two cabins (main and chalet), including the underground water supply line to both cabins (usually requiring two adults).
Removed the freezable water and perishable food in the cabins
Mowed the entire lawn.
Drained and stored the new outdoor water bath
Cleaned the gutters on the main cabin
Moved and secured the outdoor furniture and paddle boat to the outdoor South deck on the main cabin.
Moved the main cabin’s sun room furniture toward the east end and covered it with bedsheets.
Removed the center dock panels (main cabin dock) and stored them on the opposite end of the main cabin’s sunroom.
Installed the winter panels on the bunk outside windows
Lowered and closed the drapes for all windows.
Did a final bathroom call for the old cabin and then drained the water heater, waited about 45 minutes for it to drain completely, and then winterized that cabin.
Final action: Turned off the master circuit breakers for both cabins and locked all exterior doors.

We broke for a 20 minute lunch (all pre-prepped [no cooking required] and ate outside) around 2:00 PM and finished up and left the cabin around 6:30 PM. We arrived at our initial St. Cloud rendezvous location around 9:30 PM and went our separate ways. Although we were worn out, we could not have done this close-up in one day without the number of people (and great weather) we had. So, thank you to everyone that helped out.

I hope you and your families had a good holiday weekend.

- Dave.

Friday, July 31, 2009

summer recap

After a slow, cool spring, it was a very nice summer at Floyd Lake - certainly not the same without dad, but we know that he is in heaven, a glorious place much better than Floyd. Just as mom and dad always prepared the cabins for us upon our arrival, the Lord is also preparing a place for us in heaven, where dad will soon be welcoming us with open arms. We also missed Angie, Jessica, Tyler, Uncle Allen, and Laura at the lake - hope to see them next year!

There were two renter families; B1 Bob Anvery and the Sotochucks (certainly not spelled correctly). Austin Renfro (Levi's friend) came up for a visit, as did Sara's friends when they attended WE Fest in Detroit Lakes in August. The helpful and friendly Koestlers visited and enjoyed the friendly waters.

Fishing was slow early on, but picked up with the warmer temperatures. Bass, crappies, and sunfish were in abundance in July, just off the weedlines. Not one walleye was caught. Tim had a nice northern follow his spinner bait up to the boat in Mud Lake (witnessed by Levi) - well over 30 inches in length. He also hooked a massing snapping turtle on a bass worm - and purposely cut the line. The weed bed (Al's point) was consistantly great for action - often a fish every cast!

Many loons were seen and heard on Floyd - nine at once in Mud Lake. Bald eagles were often flying high overhead, as were the B1 bombers (herons).

Tube rides were exciting, especially with the addition of the new red "screamer", which catches air on the turns, flipping easily. Swimmer's itch was not a factor.

Levi, Jenni, and Austin were caught on a windy day in the paddle boat and drifted across the lake. Levi and Jenni walked back to the cabin to get assistance. When Dave and Tim went to retrieve it, the Johnson 25 blew the recoil plastic engager, plus had trouble with loose bolts. After the Lund was towed back by a friendly jet ski man (with the paddle boat being towed by the Lund), the Johnson 25 was taken in for a $ 120 repair, now running great. The Checkmate ran like a pro.

The water level lowered as the summer progressed, and the mosquitos were held at bay.

Floyd Lake boaters made more use of the sandbar for entertainment and fun, as it was often occupied with many pontoon boats. Although we missed the yearly fishing contest (held a week earlier than usual), the 4th of July boat parade was a hit, especially the "Black Pearl". One of these years we'll need to enter one.

Summer projects: water sealing the deck; cutting down one obtrusive pine tree; mom's flowers, bushes, and extricating of "creeping charlie" and clover weeds in the yard (looks great); new bird baths; burrying the connecting hose to the new cabin; moving mom's room to dad's, creating a real room for Dave and Laura; reinstating the tire swing; fixing the water heater in the old cabin; painting the shower floor in main cabin; and general odds & ends around the facility. Mom stayed a week there by herself and enjoyed the calm waters, singing birds, and relaxing atmosphere without television.

Thanks for the memories - we'll see you on the water next year!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Welcome to the Big Floyd Lake site. I hope you find it informative, useful, and fun! It is dedicated to our glorified father, Francis Schubkegel, and our supportive mother, Joyce Schubkegel.