Tuesday, July 5, 2011

July 5, 2011 Tuesday

Dave and Tim hit the lake at 7:00 a.m. Top water bass fishing resulted in about a dozen hitting near the entrance to Mud and other locations near the lily pads and reeds. We switched to vertical jigs with black rubber worms and hit sunfish, crappies, and more bass at the weed lines. A last stop at Al's point weed bed produced many more sunfish and the largest bass (over 3 lbs) of the morning on a plastic worm - Texas rig. We returned after 11:00 a.m. to great weather again - sunny, a light north breeze, and warm temps in the 80s. The girl cousins took the canoe out for a ride with Luther swimming close behind. The plan for mom was to get another queen size bed for the extra downstairs bedroom, since it currently has two blow-up mattresses - accomplished at Menard's, along with the return of the Johnson 25 hp, as J & K fixed the once again busted recoil. Mitch fixed the hyper-extended hinge of the lower house window, replaced curtains and grounded the surface of the painted cement steps to the old cabin. Dave took the troops on many a tube ride. Mitch took some kids to Al's point for one last fishing trip. A final campfire, smores, sparklers, and awards ceremony (1st annual best cousin of the year award: Levi; Best grandma award: grandma S), followed by a 2002 summer video viewing of the 40th anniversary trip to Duluth. Our last evening at Floyd was great, as everyone will be leaving tomorrow. Thanks mom and dad!

Monday, July 4, 2011

July 4th, 2011, Monday

Dave and Laura left early to head back to Hudson, WI. Levi was up earlier than the other kids and went out to the dock to check things out. He was startled and amazed to view a bald eagle swoop by the large cottonwood tree and drop a half-eaten bullhead near the boulders - a great start to the 4th of July! (bald eagle sighting). He canoed out to the reeds on his own and got up close to a family of loons. The weather was great again - sunny, temps in the 80s, with a southwest breeze. There was heavy lake boat traffic, much use of the Checkmate, and general laying around enjoying the lake time. Cathy and Sarah left around 4:00 p.m. to get back to work. After dinner, Dave, Sarah, Mitch, and Megan headed to the Al's point weed bed for some pan fishing action and got it - often a fish every catch. The rest of us watched a major storm front approaching from the northwest with lightning nearly every second. They came back with a basketful of fish near sunset. After cleaning, the dudes played some Yahtzee (which Jack won handily). Near the end, the storm hit with a mighty blast, sending the tubes (stored on the deck) flying down to the road. After some heavy rain and wind it was over by 11:30 p.m.
July 3, 2011, Sunday

Dave made a delicious French toast - bacon - fruit breakfast for everyone to start the morning. More trips were made to WalMart and other stores. God blessed us with another sunny, relatively cloudless day with temps in the 80s and a south wind which gave us the calm side of the lake today. Levi and Tim took princess Andrea (it was her birthday today) on a special canoe ride to the bay and back. She said "it was the best birthday present she'd ever had!". There was a lot of action with the Checkmate today and quite a few boats and jet skis on the lake - it was buzzing with excitement on a great day. We had a casual lunch of fried Floyd fish. Bob R., neighbor, came over number of times asking if we'd like to try the sailboat. Later on, near dinner time, Bob and Mitch launched the doomed vessel in an attempt to see if it still worked. Although riding low in the water, the two made it 1/3 way to the point with a light breeze and tried to turn it around. Riding lower yet, the boat heaved and took on more water. Levi from shore noticed Mitch trying to bail water. Tim got out the binoculars and verified Reiners furiously attempting to get the water out with his hands. The alarm was sounded, and Tim & Levi ran for the 9.9 Johnson/Lund to save them. When they reached the failing ship, Bob was in the front, ready to go down with the ship. Mitch had jumped out so as not to bring the boat down further. We helped Bob into the lifeboat (Lund) and resolved to tow the sinking vessel into shore with a rope. Bob was late for a dinner date, but we hoisted up the salvaged craft on the boat lift in an attempt to drain the water. It was then realized that there was a large crack/hole on the bottom of the boat, which was why so much water came in.
After a delicious dinner of brats, steak, and chicken (thanks to Dave, Laura, Dave, Cathy), Andrea's birthday was celebrated. She received many nice presents but really enjoyed the Selena Gomez gifts. More Checkmate action and a spectacular fireworks display by the Floyd Lake neighbors until near midnight. Dave B. enjoyed new joke material as the result of Jean's comment about putting jeans in a freezer to keep them fresh. He also relived some memorable Fran comments from past years. Thanks to mom for a great cabin time - praise be to God for keeping us in His care!
July 1, 2011, Saturday

Dave B. and Tim headed out early fishing in Mud Lake, catching a large variety of keepers for a fish fry including sunfish, crappie, bass (18 inches the largest), and a walleye by Dave. Upon returning we met Dave and Laura, who arrived the previous evening around midnight - later than they expected, due to an accident they were in just outside of Minneapolis (rear-ended by a car behind them who was hit by a car behind that one). Dave was OK; Laura went to the hospital to get checked out with neck problems. We're glad they were kept safe by the Lord!
Numerous trips were taken to WalMart and local stores for supplies. The weather was in the 80s, sunny, with a north wind. The annual Floyd Lake boat parade took place in the early afternoon. At that time we also had the first LLC meeting, discussing future plans for the cabin lake property. After the detailed but productive 1 1/2 hr. meeting. Sarah B. arrived to complete the Biedenbender family. After Jean and Mitch's delicious dinner, Dave, Mitch, and Tim tried some walleye fishing later in the evening. None could be caught, although Mitch hauled in a nice northern and Dave had a big bass hit at sunset. The new Johnson 9.9 had some gasoline flooding issues when the tank was switched (apparently don't pump the ball). After a gorgeous sunset, the group played Andrea's unique but exciting mind -memory game, where each person had a picture card matched with their name. The object was to turn over two cards, trying to match them up. Thanks!