Sunday, July 1, 2012

Congratulations to Levi for winning the earlier three-day-dad vs. Levi fishing contest (just to keep things interesting) with a morning fishing trip triumph in the sunfish and northern category.  That, along with his previous 19 inch bass, put him over the top for a grand prize of a box of Menards fruit snacks (his request).  There'll be a rematch next year:).
Mitch, Jean, and their family arrived late Friday evening at the lake, followed by Jessica (picked up at the Fargo airport from Tucson via Chicago by Tim and Levi), and Angie, Tyler, and Jenni from Wisconsin.  The Biedenbenders came mid-Saturday morning and we enjoyed a very calm, warm day at Floyd.  Angie and her girls hit the town for the farmers' market.  Tyler joined Levi in the wake-board category.  Surprisingly, no one tubed!  Angie and Jessi enjoy canoe rides around the bay.  There was plenty of sun, playing in the water, and relation.
On that day, June 30, 2012, we celebrated the 50th wedding anniversary of our dear parents Joyce and father-in-heaven Fran with a fish taco dinner (quoted by Mitch as "the best meal here ever", much to the dismay of Dave and his world-famous Rubens), followed by some rhubarb crisp and celebratory raspberry champagne. Mom enjoyed her 50th anniversary card, scalp massager, scented soap, and chocolates. Later on Mitch, Levi, and Jack hit the weed bed for a quick run (Jack got a 14 inch bass).  We also had a fire with smores followed by two games of Yahtzee, Mitch's New York car trip, Guy Johnson stories, and a good night's sleep.  We're looking forward to another great day today with church, the annual Floyd Lake fishing contest, Andi's arrival, and more good times.

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